Here you will find a few facts about Australia

The picture shows a comparison between
Australia (yellow) and Europe (dark green)

This should give you an idea of the size of Australia:        

  Australia Europe
Area in Mio km² 7,682 3,689
Citizens /km² (98) 2,3 132,6
total Population in Mio (98) 18,5 489,2

Oil, Gas and Mineralproduction

Australia has an enormous oil, gas and mineral industry. In the year 2002 this industry made 55% of all exports out of Australia, where hard coal, iren ore, and other resources are the most important export products.

Hard coal: Australia has an enormous coal deposit and is one of the leading hard coal exporters (approx. 15% of the export revenue). In the meantime China is taking over the markets for coal in the Asian region and is becoming world leader in coal production.
Next to coal, Australia also has large deposits of oil, gas, nickel, iron ore, bauxit (aluminum), diamonds, uran, gold, titanium, copper, lead and zinc.
The main markets for Australian exports are the Asian regions.


The farming industry was the backbone of the Australian economy for the past centuries, but has become less important in recent decades. Landinwards are cattle stations, in the south west are vineyards and farming.


Not only in minerals, oil and gas production has Australia made strong progress, but also in the classic industries such as manufacture and production in the metall industry. The productivity has increased strongly thanks to new technologies and good work.

New Industries

The entertainment and filmindustry as well as tourismus has made up for lost jobs due to increased productivity in the classic industries.
Australia is also beginning to be worldleader in niche-industries such as biotechnology.
